Alright, so you’re makin’ that butter chicken, huh? Good stuff, good stuff. But whatcha gonna eat with it? Can’t just have chicken swimmin’ in sauce all by its lonesome, can ya? So, listen up, I’m gonna tell ya what goes good with it, the kinda stuff folks actually eat, none of that fancy-schmancy stuff.
First thing’s first: Gotta have some rice, y’know? Plain ol’ rice, the white kind, that’s what soaks up all that yummy sauce. You don’t want none of that sauce go to waste, do ya? And it fills ya up good. Basmati rice, they call it, if you wanna get all highfalutin. But any rice’ll do, really. Just make sure you cook it right, not all mushy or nothin’.
- Make sure you wash that rice good first. Get all that powder stuff off.
- Then, put it in a pot with some water. How much water? Well, enough to cover it, and then some. My grandma used to say, use your knuckle. Put your finger in the pot, and the water should come up to your first knuckle. That’s how much.
- Boil it, then turn it down low and let it simmer ’til all the water’s gone. Fluff it up with a fork, and you’re good to go.
Now, bread. You gotta have bread. Can’t have a good meal without bread, that’s just common sense. And with butter chicken, the best bread is that naan bread. Soft and fluffy, like little pillows. Perfect for soppin’ up the sauce, too. You can buy it at the store, already made, or if you’re feelin’ fancy, you can try makin’ it yourself. But store-bought’s good enough for me, I ain’t got time for all that fussin’.

If you can’t find that naan bread, don’t you go frettin’. Any flatbread will do. Even pita bread, the kind you put gyros in, that works just fine. Just warm it up a little, so it’s nice and soft.
Salad. Yeah, I know what you’re thinkin’. Salad? With butter chicken? But trust me on this one. A little somethin’ fresh and crunchy is good to cut through all that richness. Nothin’ fancy, just some cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, maybe a little cilantro if you got it. Chop it all up, toss it with a little lemon juice and salt, and you’re done.
Some folks call it kachumber salad, but it’s just chopped up vegetables, don’t get it twisted. And it’s good for ya, get some of them vitamins in ya. Can’t just be eatin’ chicken and bread all the time.
And then, there’s this stuff called raita. It’s like a yogurt sauce, with cucumbers and spices in it. Cools your mouth down if the chicken’s too spicy. And it tastes good, too. I ain’t gonna lie, I didn’t always like it. Thought it was kinda weird at first. But it grows on ya, like a weed in the garden. Now I can’t eat butter chicken without it.
You just take some yogurt, plain yogurt, not the sweet stuff, and mix it with some chopped cucumbers, mint, and a little bit of cumin and coriander. You can add a little chili powder if you like it spicy. Let it sit for a bit, so all the flavors meld together. And there ya go, raita.
Now, if you wanna get real fancy, you can make some other stuff too. Like, you could roast some vegetables. Cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, whatever you got. Toss ’em with a little oil and spices, and roast ’em in the oven ’til they’re tender. That’s a good way to get your veggies in, and they taste good with the butter chicken.
Or, you could make some lentils. Lentils are good for ya, full of protein and fiber. Just cook ’em up with some onions, garlic, and spices. They’re kinda like beans, but smaller. And they go good with Indian food.
But honestly, the rice, the bread, and the salad, that’s all you really need. That’s what most folks eat with their butter chicken. Don’t need nothin’ fancy, just good, honest food. Food that fills ya up and makes ya feel good. That’s what matters.

So, go ahead, make that butter chicken, and don’t you worry about what to serve with it. Just remember what I told ya, and you’ll be set. Rice, bread, salad, and maybe some raita if you’re feelin’ it. And you got yourself a meal fit for a king, or a queen, or just a regular ol’ person like me.
And don’t forget to enjoy it! Food’s meant to be enjoyed, not just swallowed down. Take your time, savor the flavors, and be thankful for what you got. That’s the most important thing, more important than any fancy side dish.
Now get cookin’! And don’t you be callin’ me unless the house is on fire or somethin’. I told you everything you need to know.
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