How Many Grams Are in a Quarter Ounce? Quick and Easy Guide!

How Many Grams Are in a Quarter Ounce? Quick and Easy Guide!
How Many Grams Are in a Quarter Ounce? Quick and Easy Guide!

Okay, so the other day I was trying to follow this recipe I found online, and it kept talking about a “quarter ounce” of something. I’m like, a quarter ounce? How much is that in grams? I usually measure stuff in grams, you know? So, I had to figure this out.

First, I grabbed my phone and opened up the browser. You know the drill, I just typed in “how many grams in a quarter ounce” into the search bar. It was something I had never thought about before. I mean, who even uses ounces these days?

What I Found

  • Apparently, one ounce is about 28.35 grams. That’s what the search results told me. Okay, not so bad.
  • So, a quarter ounce would just be one-fourth of that, right? I grabbed a calculator, one of those old-school ones, not just the one on my phone, to make it easier to read and divided 28.35 by 4.

And guess what? It came out to be around 7.09 grams. So there you go, a quarter ounce is roughly 7.09 grams. It wasn’t that hard to figure out, but I thought it was worth noting down. I always like to write these things down, just in case I forget or need it again later. Also I have a friend who loves baking, I think this might be helpful to her as well!

How Many Grams Are in a Quarter Ounce? Quick and Easy Guide!

I went back to my recipe and measured out the 7.09 grams I needed. It was a bit tricky to get it exact with my kitchen scale, but I managed. I mean, it is not like I am in a lab or something, right? I just tried my best and eventually got it. In the end, the dish turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself!

So yeah, that’s my little adventure with converting ounces to grams. Not exactly rocket science, but hey, you learn something new every day, right? Hopefully, this is useful to someone out there. If you ever find yourself scratching your head over a quarter ounce, just remember it’s about 7.09 grams. You are welcome!

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