Crown Royal Apple and Peach Schnapps Drinks: So Good! (Your New Favorite Cocktail)

Crown Royal Apple and Peach Schnapps Drinks: So Good! (Your New Favorite Cocktail)
Crown Royal Apple and Peach Schnapps Drinks: So Good! (Your New Favorite Cocktail)

Okay, so I saw this drink recipe floating around, “Crown Royal Apple and Peach Schnapps,” and I thought, why not give it a shot? I mean, I had a bottle of Crown Royal Apple sitting around, and I’m always up for trying something new, especially when it comes to cocktails. Plus, I had some peach schnapps that I’d picked up on a whim – you know how it is, impulse buys at the liquor store.

First, I grabbed my cocktail shaker – gotta have the right tools, right? Then I filled it up with a handful of ice. Nothing fancy, just regular ice cubes from my freezer. Next, I poured in about 1.5 ounces of that Crown Royal Apple. It smells amazing, by the way, like a crisp green apple. Then, I added about an ounce of the peach schnapps. I figured a little less peach would let the apple flavor shine through, you know?

After that, I put the lid on the shaker and gave it a good, vigorous shake for like, 15 seconds, maybe 20. I like my drinks really cold, so I shake the heck out of them. Once I felt like my hands were about to freeze off, I grabbed a glass – just a regular rocks glass, nothing special. I did put some fresh ice in the glass too.

Crown Royal Apple and Peach Schnapps Drinks: So Good! (Your New Favorite Cocktail)

Now for the fun part – I strained the drink into the glass. I could immediately see the cool color, kind of a light amber, almost golden. It looked pretty inviting, if I do say so myself. I took a sip, and man, it was surprisingly good!

    Here’s what I noticed:

  • The apple flavor from the Crown Royal was definitely there, but it wasn’t overpowering.
  • The peach schnapps added a nice sweetness and a little bit of that fuzzy peach candy vibe, which I actually liked.
  • It was refreshing, especially with all that ice. I could see myself sipping this on a hot day.

Honestly, I was pretty impressed with myself. It was a simple drink, but it tasted way better than I expected. I might even make it again sometime. If you’ve got these two ingredients, you should definitely try it. It’s a winner in my book!

I’ve made a few since, playing with the ratios, and it is a good drink no matter what. I even tried adding a splash of lemon-lime soda once, and that was pretty good too! You can really make this drink your own.

You can also try to put in some other fruits for flavor. I added a few blueberries once and that was good as well. So I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did. See you next time!

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