Best Protein Pancake Recipe Without Protein Powder: Try it Now

Best Protein Pancake Recipe Without Protein Powder: Try it Now
Best Protein Pancake Recipe Without Protein Powder: Try it Now

Alright, listen up, y’all. I’m gonna tell ya how to make these protein pancake things, but we ain’t usin’ no fancy powders or nothin’. Just good ol’ food, ya hear?

First off, we gotta talk about why these things are good for ya. You know, them regular pancakes, they’re alright, but they don’t fill ya up for long. These protein pancakes, though, they stick to your ribs. Keeps ya full so you ain’t snackin’ all day. And they ain’t loaded with all that sugar, which is good, ’cause too much sugar makes ya jittery, like a cat on a hot tin roof.

What you’ll need:

  • Some bananas, the riper the better, ’cause they’re sweeter that way.
  • A little bit of lemon juice, just a squirt, to keep them bananas from turnin’ brown.
  • Flour, the regular kind, nothin’ fancy.
  • Eggs, gotta have eggs, that’s what holds it all together.
  • Milk, whatever kind ya got in the fridge.
  • A pinch of salt, just to make it taste right.
  • Maybe a little bit of cinnamon, if you like it. I do, it makes things smell nice.
  • And some oil or butter, for the pan, so they don’t stick.

Now, the first thing you gotta do is get that oven goin’. Not too hot, just warm, like around 275 degrees, I reckon. And then you gotta grease up a pan, a big ol’ one, like 9 by 13, and sprinkle some flour in it, so them pancakes don’t stick. Nothin’ worse than a pancake stuck to the pan, lemme tell ya.

Best Protein Pancake Recipe Without Protein Powder: Try it Now

Then, you take them bananas and mash ’em up real good. I just use a fork, nothin’ fancy. And then you squirt in that lemon juice, just a little bit, and mix it all up. Set that aside for a bit.

Next, you get a bowl, a medium-sized one, and you put in your flour. How much flour? Well, that depends on how many pancakes you wanna make. I usually just eyeball it, you know? A couple of cups, maybe. And then you crack in your eggs, maybe two or three, depending on how big they are. And pour in some milk, not too much, just enough to make it batter-like, ya know? Like thick soup.

And then you add that pinch of salt, and the cinnamon, if you’re usin’ it. And then you mix it all up, but don’t overmix it, ’cause then they get tough. Just mix it until it’s all combined, like when you’re making a cake, but don’t whip it too much.

Now, you take that mashed-up banana and you stir it into the batter. Just fold it in gently, you know, don’t beat it to death.

And then you pour it all into that greased-up pan. Spread it out even, so it cooks all the same. And then you stick it in the oven, that warm oven, and you let it bake. How long? Well, I just check it every now and then. When it’s golden brown on top, and a toothpick comes out clean, then it’s done.

Let it cool a bit, then cut it up into squares, like a cake. And there ya go! Protein pancakes, without all that fancy powder stuff. Just good, plain food.

You know, some folks like to put stuff on top, like syrup or fruit or somethin’. But me, I like ’em just plain. They are tasty all on their own. They fill ya up and keep ya goin’. Just like a good, hearty breakfast should.

Now, I ain’t no fancy cook, mind you. I just cook like my mama taught me, and her mama before her. Good, plain food, that’s what we ate. And we were strong and healthy, worked hard all day, and didn’t need no fancy powders to keep us goin’.

Best Protein Pancake Recipe Without Protein Powder: Try it Now

And these pancakes, well, they’re kinda like that. They ain’t fancy, but they’re good. They’re fillin’, and they’re healthy, and they’ll keep ya goin’ all mornin’ long. So give ’em a try, ya hear? You might just like ’em.

And if you don’t like them, well, that’s your problem, not mine. But I bet you’ll like ’em. ‘Cause they’re just plain good food. And ain’t nothin’ better than that, I reckon.

Remember what I told ya, keep it simple, don’t overthink it. Just good food, that’s all ya need.

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