How to Make Apple Sauce in Microwave? Make it Delicious in Minutes!

How to Make Apple Sauce in Microwave? Make it Delicious in Minutes!

Okay, here is my blog post about how to make apple sauce in the microwave:

So, the other day, I was craving some apple sauce, but I didn’t want to go through the whole process of making it on the stove. It’s just too much work, you know? Then I thought, “Hey, why not try making it in the microwave?” And guess what? It turned out to be super easy and pretty darn tasty! Here’s how I did it.

Getting Started

First, I grabbed a few apples from my fridge. I think I used three, but you can use more or less depending on how much apple sauce you want. Any kind of apple will work. I used a mix of sweet and sour apples. Then I washed them real good under the tap. You don’t want any dirt or germs in your apple sauce, right?

How to Make Apple Sauce in Microwave? Make it Delicious in Minutes!

Prepping the Apples

Next, I got out my cutting board and a knife. I started by peeling the apples. Some folks like to leave the skin on, but I prefer my apple sauce smooth, so I took it all off. After peeling, I cored the apples, you know, removed the seeds and that hard part in the middle. Then, I chopped the apples into small chunks. They don’t have to be perfect, just small enough to cook evenly in the microwave.

Microwaving Time

I tossed the apple chunks into a microwave-safe bowl. You gotta make sure it’s microwave-safe, or you’ll have a mess on your hands! Then, I added a splash of water. Not too much, just enough to get things steamy in there, maybe like a quarter cup. Some people add a bit of lemon juice, too, but I didn’t have any on hand. Next time, maybe! I also sprinkled in some cinnamon because, well, cinnamon makes everything better. A bit of sugar can be good, too, if your apples aren’t sweet enough. I just added a pinch though.

Then, I covered the bowl with a microwave-safe lid. You can use plastic wrap too, just make sure to poke a few holes in it to let the steam escape. And then, into the microwave it went! I zapped it on high for about 5 minutes. The time might vary depending on your microwave and how soft you like your apples. So, after 5 minutes, I took the bowl out and gave it a good stir.

Finishing Touches

The apples were pretty soft at this point, so I just mashed them up with a fork. If you like your apple sauce really smooth, you can use a blender or a food processor. But I like mine a bit chunky, so a fork did the trick just fine. I cooked them for 2 more minutes until it was perfect. Then I just let it cool for a bit. Hot apple sauce can burn your mouth!

  • Washed apples
  • Peeled and cored
  • Chopped into chunks
  • Added water and cinnamon
  • Microwaved for 5 minutes, then 2 more minutes
  • Mashed with a fork
  • Enjoyed!

And that’s it! Easy peasy apple sauce in the microwave. It’s a great snack, and you can add it to all sorts of things. I had mine with some yogurt, and it was delicious. Give it a try and let me know how it turns out!

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