Okay, so I’ve been trying to figure out what’s up with these blueberry Eggo waffles I’ve been eating lately. First, I grabbed the box from the freezer and flipped it over to the nutrition facts label. You know, the usual drill.
It says one serving is two waffles, and that’s about 180 calories. Not too bad, I thought. Then I noticed most of those calories are coming from carbs, about 62%. Fat’s around 29%. I also found some info that said there are around 130 calories but a little different in carbs, fat, and protein. I saw another nutrition label that said one serving of three waffles has 1090 calories. It seems a little bit high. I doubt it.
- Carbs: 62% (or 65% for 130 calories version, it also has 65% for 1090 calories version)
- Fat: 29% (or 26% for 130 calories version, it also has 28% for 1090 calories version)
- Protein: 9% (only for 130 calories version)
Then I started looking at the ingredients. Enriched flour is the first thing listed, which is basically just regular wheat flour with some vitamins added back in. There’s also some vegetable oil, soybean, and then water. Of course, it lists things like niacin, reduced iron, and a bunch of B vitamins.

What about the blueberries?
I read somewhere that someone said they just have “blueberry bits” and they are made mostly of sugar and soybean oil and some small amount of real blueberries but artificially colored. They called them “fake” because they’re basically shaped into little balls and dyed to look like blueberries. Seriously, I wondered, are there even any real blueberries in these things? I flipped through the box again, but it didn’t really say much more about that. I also checked some info on the web, but no clear clue about it.
Also, I learned that just because these waffles have added nutrients, it doesn’t necessarily mean your body’s actually absorbing them. That’s a bummer. Dietitians even said that these waffles are higher in carbs and added sugar and also made with refined flour. So they are lower in fiber than the others.
So yeah, that’s what I found out about these blueberry Eggo waffles. Not the worst thing you can eat, but definitely not the most nutritious breakfast either. I guess I’ll keep them as a sometimes treat. Next time, I might just make my own waffles and throw in some real blueberries. It can’t be that hard, right?
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