Best Chicken Salad Recipe with Eggs and Pickle Relish? Try This Quick and Yummy Version

Best Chicken Salad Recipe with Eggs and Pickle Relish? Try This Quick and Yummy Version
Best Chicken Salad Recipe with Eggs and Pickle Relish? Try This Quick and Yummy Version

Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a banging chicken salad. I wanted something tasty and easy, so I whipped up this chicken salad with eggs and pickle relish. It was a bit of an experiment, but it turned out great!

Getting Started

First, I grabbed some leftover cooked chicken from the fridge. It was from a roast chicken I made a couple of days ago. I pulled the meat off the bones and shredded it up. You can use any cooked chicken you have on hand.

Next, I boiled some eggs. I like my eggs to be hard-boiled for chicken salad, so I cooked them for about 10 minutes. Once they were done, I cooled them down in some ice water, peeled them, and chopped them up into little bits.

Best Chicken Salad Recipe with Eggs and Pickle Relish? Try This Quick and Yummy Version

Mixing It Up

Now for the fun part – putting it all together! I threw the shredded chicken and chopped eggs into a big bowl. Then, I added a good dollop of mayonnaise. I don’t really measure, I just eyeball it until it looks about right.

Next, I scooped in some sweet pickle relish. This is what gives the salad that extra bit of zing. Again, I didn’t measure, but I probably added about a quarter cup or so.

  • Added some salt and pepper to taste.
  • Gave everything a good stir until it was all mixed together.

The Taste Test

I grabbed a spoon and took a big bite. Man, it was good! The chicken was juicy, the eggs added a nice creamy texture, and the pickle relish gave it a sweet and tangy flavor. It was exactly what I was craving.

Serving It Up

You can eat this chicken salad on its own, or you can make a sandwich out of it. I toasted some bread, slapped some chicken salad on it, and added some lettuce and tomato. It was a perfect lunch.

This chicken salad is super easy to make, and it’s a great way to use up leftover chicken. I definitely recommend giving it a try!

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