How To Make Banana Bread With Pancake Mix Recipe: This Simple Guide Will Help You Make It Perfectly Every Time

How To Make Banana Bread With Pancake Mix Recipe: This Simple Guide Will Help You Make It Perfectly Every Time
How To Make Banana Bread With Pancake Mix Recipe: This Simple Guide Will Help You Make It Perfectly Every Time

Okay, so I wanted to make some banana bread today, but I didn’t have all the stuff for a regular recipe. But I did have a box of pancake mix sitting in the cupboard. So I thought, why not give it a shot and try to make banana bread with it? It could work, right?

First, I grabbed three ripe bananas. You know, the ones that are all brown and spotty and perfect for baking. I mashed them up in a big bowl with a fork until they were all gooey.

Then, I dumped in about two cups of the pancake mix. I didn’t measure it perfectly, just eyeballed it. I also added a splash of milk, maybe a quarter cup, to get the right consistency. It needed to be like, you know, thick but still pourable.

How To Make Banana Bread With Pancake Mix Recipe: This Simple Guide Will Help You Make It Perfectly Every Time

Next, I cracked in one egg, and poured in a little bit of vanilla extract, and a dash of cinnamon because I like cinnamon in my banana bread. Oh, and I almost forgot, some sugar! Probably like half a cup? I like it a bit sweet.

I mixed everything together with a big spoon. It was a bit of a workout, but I got it all combined until it was smooth, like a thick batter. No lumps allowed!

  • Mash 3 ripe bananas
  • Add 2 cups of pancake mix
  • Pour in 1/4 cup of milk
  • Crack in 1 egg
  • Add a splash of vanilla extract
  • Sprinkle in some cinnamon
  • Add 1/2 cup of sugar
  • Mix everything together

I greased a loaf pan with some butter. I poured the batter into the pan, and then I popped it into the oven. I set the temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, like you would for regular banana bread.

I baked it for about 30-40 minutes. I just kept checking it with a toothpick, and when the toothpick came out clean, I knew it was done. It’s better to learn how to check it with a toothpick.

I took it out of the oven, and let it cool for a bit. It smelled pretty good, I have to say! Finally, I sliced it up and tried a piece.


And guess what? It actually turned out pretty tasty! It was moist and banana-y, and the pancake mix gave it a nice, fluffy texture. It wasn’t exactly like traditional banana bread, but it was definitely a win in my book. A super easy way to make banana bread when you’re in a pinch!

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