Yummy Leftover Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Recipes: Make Dinner Exciting Again

Yummy Leftover Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Recipes: Make Dinner Exciting Again

Yesterday, I cooked a big pot of spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner. I always make too much, and this time was no exception. We had a good meal, but there was still a ton left over. I hate throwing food away, so I figured I’d get creative with the leftovers.

First Attempt: Spaghetti Frittata

This morning, I decided to try making a spaghetti frittata for breakfast. I whisked a few eggs with some milk, salt, and pepper. Then, I mixed in the cold, leftover spaghetti and meat sauce. I heated up some olive oil in a non-stick skillet and poured the mixture in. I cooked it over medium heat, like you would with an omelet.

After a few minutes, I carefully flipped it over. It actually held together pretty well! I let it cook for a few more minutes until it was golden brown and cooked through. Honestly, it was pretty good! It’s like a fun twist on regular breakfast, and a great way to use up those leftovers.

Yummy Leftover Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Recipes:  Make Dinner Exciting Again

Next Up: Stuffed Bell Peppers

For lunch, I was craving something a bit heartier. I had some bell peppers in the fridge, so I thought, why not stuff them with the leftover spaghetti? I cut the peppers in half and scooped out the seeds. Then, I simply filled each pepper half with the spaghetti and meat sauce.

I sprinkled some shredded mozzarella cheese on top (because, why not?) and baked them in the oven at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. The peppers got nice and tender, and the cheese was all melty and delicious. It was a super easy and satisfying lunch!

Dinner Idea: Spaghetti Pie

I am still debating what to do with the rest of the leftovers for dinner. Maybe I will make a spaghetti pie. I can press some of the spaghetti into a pie dish to form a crust, and top it with more sauce and cheese. I bet it would be like a deep-dish spaghetti pizza.

Or I might just heat it up and eat it as is. It’s still tasty even after a couple of days!


  • I think it’s totally worth it to get creative with leftovers.
  • It is a good way to save money and avoid food waste.
  • Plus, you can come up with some surprisingly tasty dishes!
  • So next time you have leftover spaghetti and meat sauce, don’t just toss it out.
  • Try one of these ideas, or come up with your own!

I enjoyed sharing my little leftover adventures with you guys. I’d love to hear your ideas on how to use up leftover spaghetti too!

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