What Can I Substitute for Lemon Grass? Easy Alternatives for When Youre in a Pinch Right Now.

What Can I Substitute for Lemon Grass? Easy Alternatives for When Youre in a Pinch Right Now.
What Can I Substitute for Lemon Grass? Easy Alternatives for When Youre in a Pinch Right Now.

Okay, so today I was trying to whip up this Thai curry, you know, the kind that’s supposed to be all fragrant and delicious? But then I realized I was fresh out of lemongrass. Panic mode, right?

So I started digging through my fridge and pantry, hoping for some kind of miracle. I remembered seeing some stuff online about using lemon zest, and I usually have a few lemons lying around. I figured, why not? I grabbed a lemon, zested it up, and tossed it into the curry.

Experiment No. 1: Lemon Zest

  • Action: Zested one lemon.
  • Result: It added a nice citrusy kick, but it wasn’t quite the same as lemongrass. It was missing that unique, kinda floral, kinda herby thing that lemongrass has.

Not totally satisfied, I went back to the drawing board. Then it hit me – lemongrass paste! I remembered buying a tube of it a while back for another recipe. It wasn’t super fresh, but it had to be better than nothing.

What Can I Substitute for Lemon Grass? Easy Alternatives for When Youre in a Pinch Right Now.

Experiment No. 2: Lemongrass Paste

  • Action: Added a dollop of old lemongrass paste from the back of the fridge.
  • Result: This was definitely closer to the real deal! It wasn’t as vibrant as fresh lemongrass, but it had that distinct lemongrass flavor. I was pretty happy with this, but it got me thinking, what else could I have used?

After I finished cooking, I did some more digging online. Turns out there are a bunch of other things you can use instead of lemongrass. Some folks swear by lemon balm or preserved lemon. I even saw someone suggest arugula, which seems wild, but maybe it works?

Then there’s ginger. I know, it sounds crazy. I always thought ginger is just a regular item. But I read online, it says ginger is good to use as a lemongrass substitute. And it’s easy to get, usually I already have it at home. It is one of those things that is commonly used, not just for Asian food.

Experiment No. 3: Ginger

  • Action: Grated some fresh ginger into a small test batch of sauce.
  • Result: Surprisingly, it did add a bit of that fresh, zesty quality that lemongrass has. It’s not a perfect match, but it’s not bad in a pinch. I guess those folks online know something.

So, there you have it. My little adventure in finding a lemongrass substitute. Turns out, you’ve got options! Lemon zest is okay, lemongrass paste is better, and ginger is a surprisingly decent backup. And who knows, maybe next time I’ll get brave and try that arugula thing. You never know, it might just be the next big thing in Thai cooking! Or not. Either way, it’s always fun to experiment, right?

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