Tequenos Recipe: How to Make This Delicious Venezuelan Snack at Home Easily

Tequenos Recipe: How to Make This Delicious Venezuelan Snack at Home Easily

Okay, so today I really wanted to make something different, something I’ve never tried before. I was scrolling through some recipes and came across this thing called “tequeños.” Sounds fancy, right? They’re basically Venezuelan cheese sticks, but don’t tell any Venezuelans I said that, they might get mad, haha.

First, I grabbed a big bowl and threw in 2 cups of flour. Then, I added 4 tablespoons of butter. I cracked 1 egg into the mix as well.

In a separate cup, I poured some water and dissolved a bit of salt and sugar in it. It was kind of like making a mini science experiment. Once the salt and sugar were all gone, I dumped this water into the big bowl with the flour and other stuff.

Tequenos Recipe: How to Make This Delicious Venezuelan Snack at Home Easily

Now came the fun part – kneading! I mixed everything together with my hands, squishing and squeezing until it turned into a dough. It felt kind of therapeutic, to be honest. I covered the dough and just let it chill out for a while.

While the dough was resting, I took a block of cheese and sliced it into sticks. They didn’t look perfect, but hey, who cares as long as they taste good, right?

  • Mix flour, butter, and egg in a bowl.
  • Dissolve salt and sugar in water, then add to the flour mixture.
  • Knead the mixture into a dough and let it rest.
  • Cut cheese into sticks.

I’ll tell you what, getting these tequeños just right took some time, but it was totally worth the effort!


It is so good, cheese and dough, you know. You should try this. It is a good choice for your party.

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