Need Sides for Dinner? Heres What Goes With Gumbo!

Need Sides for Dinner? Heres What Goes With Gumbo!
Need Sides for Dinner? Heres What Goes With Gumbo!

Today, I’m gonna talk about gumbo and what goes with it. You know, I’ve always been a fan of trying out different food combos, and gumbo has been on my list for a while. So, I decided to give it a shot and see what all the fuss was about.

First off, I had to get my hands on some decent gumbo. I didn’t wanna make it from scratch ’cause, let’s be real, I’m no chef. I went to this local joint that’s known for its Southern cooking. I ordered a big pot of their chicken and sausage gumbo, and boy, did it smell good!

Now, the big question: what to eat with it? I did a little digging online, reading through some forums and food blogs. People were throwing around all sorts of ideas – rice, cornbread, potato salad, you name it. I figured, why not try a few and see what works best?

Need Sides for Dinner? Heres What Goes With Gumbo!

Experiment Time

  • Rice: This seemed like the obvious choice, and it didn’t disappoint. I cooked up some plain white rice, and it soaked up that flavorful gumbo broth like a sponge. It was a solid, hearty combo.
  • Cornbread: I baked a batch of cornbread, following a simple recipe I found. The sweetness of the cornbread kinda balanced out the spiciness of the gumbo. It was pretty good, but I felt like it could get a bit heavy after a while.
  • Potato Salad: Now, this one was a bit out there, but some folks online swore by it. I made a basic potato salad with mayo, mustard, and some chopped veggies. I gotta say, it was surprisingly good! The cold, creamy salad was a nice contrast to the hot, spicy gumbo.

After trying all these, I’d say my favorite was definitely the rice. It just felt like the most natural pairing. The cornbread was good, but a bit too much for me. The potato salad was a pleasant surprise, but I wouldn’t have it every time. I also tried some green salad on the side, which add a fresh touch.

Honestly, I think the best side dish depends on what you’re in the mood for. If you want something simple and filling, go with rice. If you’re feeling adventurous, try the potato salad. And if you want something sweet and savory, cornbread might be your jam. At the end of the day, just go with your gut – no pun intended!

So, that’s my little gumbo experiment. It was fun trying out different sides and seeing what worked. I definitely learned a thing or two about food pairings. I encourage you all to go out there and try it for yourselves, maybe you’ll even come up with some new combos that I didn’t think of!

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