Cottage Cheese Mandarin Orange Salad: A Simple Recipe That is a Perfect Blend of Sweet and Tangy

Cottage Cheese Mandarin Orange Salad: A Simple Recipe That is a Perfect Blend of Sweet and Tangy
Cottage Cheese Mandarin Orange Salad: A Simple Recipe That is a Perfect Blend of Sweet and Tangy

Alright, so the other day I was craving something sweet but also kinda healthy, you know? I rummaged through my fridge and found some cottage cheese and a can of mandarin oranges. That’s when it hit me – why not make a salad?

First things first, I grabbed the can of mandarin oranges and drained the juice. I set those aside for a moment. Then, I took out my trusty hand mixer – you could totally use a blender too, but I find the mixer easier for this.

Next, I scooped the cottage cheese into a big bowl. Oh, and I also found a box of orange Jell-O mix in my pantry. So, I poured that into the bowl with the cottage cheese. Started mixing them together, and boy, it looked interesting at this point, kind of lumpy but orangey.

Cottage Cheese Mandarin Orange Salad: A Simple Recipe That is a Perfect Blend of Sweet and Tangy

    Mixing It Up

  • Added the drained mandarin oranges to the bowl.
  • Since I like my oranges in smaller pieces, I chopped some of them up a bit more before tossing them in.
  • Then, I folded in some Cool Whip. I only used about half of an 8 oz container ’cause I didn’t want it to be too overwhelmingly sweet.

I gently mixed everything until it was all combined and looked like a creamy, dreamy orange cloud. Honestly, it took me, like, five minutes total. Super quick!

I chilled it in the fridge for a bit, just to let the flavors meld together. And let me tell you, when I finally dug in, it was delicious! It’s sweet, it’s tangy, and the cottage cheese gives it this nice, creamy texture.

This cottage cheese mandarin orange salad turned out to be a perfect little treat. It’s great as a dessert, but honestly, I’d eat it as a side dish too. If you’re looking for something easy and tasty, you gotta try this!

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